tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow!!!!
Break is here after hell week of work and tomorrow the roommates and I are off to Italy..woooo...we plan to do the P diet while we are there...Pizza Pasta and Pastries....oh and gelato of course
I had a test and three papers due this week... my test was an essay test in art history, my advertising paper was on whether or not 30-second commercials will soon be obsolete, my graphics paper was comparing three different news programs here in the UK, and my psych paper was a fake report on a client using a specific approach we learned in class. times.
I have a paper due in art history the tuesday after we get back which is stupid and stinks..maybe ill start it tonight?? prob not...
Yesterday I went to Wimbledon with my soc. of sport class. It was pretty cool but looked so different compared to when it is set up for matches...there aren't stands around most of the courts so they just look like patches of grass..that are extremely well kept. Wimbledon is sponsored by Rolex so all the clocks on the premises are from them..they are huge and gold and so fancy. loved it. My camera died when I got there but i'm gonna steal my friends photos so no worries.
well off to pack and get my life together and what not... ahh im soooo psyched!!!
have a great time in Italy!! miss you,
ciao! have a terrifc time! eat some of the pizza, pasta and pastries for me! love, susan